Wednesday, June 6, 2007

a birthday is like new year's eve

it's my birthday today. i was born years ago today. i was induced because my older brother weighed more than ten and a half pounds and no one thought it was a good idea to have another baby that big. my nine months was up and it was time to come out. my mother chose the date because it was d-day and it would be easy to remember. but nobody remembers d-day. i have never had the experience of filling out a form and someone saying, "you were born on the anniversary of d-day."
it was also the first day of the six day war. i was 10. i remember being in hebrew school and rabbi younger calling us in for an assembly to pray for the state of israel. he rarely smiled, but that afternoon he was beyond somber. we stood and sang hatikvah, the hope. my older brothers organized a teen fundraising drive for israel. it would predict future behavior.
anyway, about my birthday. turning 50 is fine with me. i am happy to be alive and grateful for the many gifts in my life. but i am sort of embarrassed by everyone asking me what i am doing to celebrate. it seems like i am supposed to be going away for the weekend, or having a party or getting good and drunk.
i don't think i am in denial, but i just don't feel like putting on a party hat. i want to read the newspaper, study talmud, go grocery shopping, go to work, and supervise the homework hour. i want to celebrate reaching the half century mark by living my life. and it's enough for me. (as long as i get to eat cake.)